Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are you in a hurry?

It puzzles me aplenty when one thinks that by pushing the person in front of you the queue will somehow be faster.

No seriously…what do you think will happen?

It’s not as if

1) The person at the counter will speak faster so as to prevent any pushing from the crowd..to begin with I don’t even think the person is even aware of your action..

2) The people in front of me will suddenly run away for fear of you pushing them as well

3) I will move away or be intimidated and disappear into thin air

However, if I wasn’t from a well brought up family, I would

1) Turn around and push you back

2) Push the person in front of me and tell her that you did it

3) Tell the whole world that you’re not only pushing me, but you’re pushing drugs as well..*ok lame*

4) Call the police

5) Tell my mother…haha not!

Come on really we’re also in the queue, it’s not as if I’m any faster, I’m just one person ahead of you. So let’s make it a happy experience and keep to your own space…But since you decided to push non stop when the queue is in motion and when the queue is standing still..you’re hereby sentenced to being A RETARD

Retardation Level = 8 (plus point if you were grumbling extra point as it cause irritation)

Day = 9 No. of retards = 3

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